Permaculture Garden

The Permaculture Garden is built on the recognition that communities all over the world face many similar challenges including food security, climate change, and difficult inner-city living conditions. It is a model of community-involved, sustainable urban agriculture, demonstrating urban sustainability practices like vermicomposting, planting for small urban spaces and micro-green cultivation.

One of the best parts of this job was, that the labor belongs to several people, not just to the landscape architectures. Our whole staff participated, sometimes with the help of volunteer hotel guests.

Cozy Sitting Area

At the end, a nice place has been created, a cozy sitting area, with nice smelling plants, edible herbs, and flowers.
Our hotel guests now have a new place to have their drinks, read their books, and enjoy the stunning views of Bosphorus, Topkapi Palace and Galata Tower.

We really hope we can turn some of our guests into permaculture activists. Perhaps some will start visiting farmers markets more often.